
Growth Modification

In this type of treatment, functional appliances are used to help grow the jaws, fix bite problems, and improve the profile while the teen is still growing.

This treatment is also known as a two-phase treatment as it combines tooth alignment and growth modification of the jaws. The intent of two-phase treatment is to maximize your teenager’s chances of achieving the ideal health, function, and aesthetic result. It can help prevent the need to remove permanent teeth later in life, or to have surgery to realign the jaws.

What if I delay the treatment?

By delaying treatment, your child may require more aggressive treatment later in life, which may not completely correct the smile. In order to achieve lasting results, early treatment is most effective.

What are the benefits of Growth Modification?

  • Correcting the primary problem, by correcting the position of the jaws.
  • Improving the facial profile
  • Possibly eliminating the need for extractions
  • Avoiding surgical procedures later in life to correct the jaws and the bite

When is the best time for growth modification?

As each child/teen is different, the timing of treatment is determined by their maturity and development. Having said that, there are some recommended ages for teens to see an orthodontist. It’s usually best to start treatment around 11-13 years old for girls. The optimal treatment age for boys is usually between the ages of 11 and 14. This is when they are under a fast rate of growth, and this can be used to correct bites while coordinating the development of the jaws and dental arches. 

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